Scandinavian Type
FERNO Scandinavian Windows present the Scandinavian tradition in a new version. “Scissors-like” fittings enable tilting the window leaf outwards and rotating it, which facilitates keeping external surfaces clean.
Paint colors

Okna Duńskie charakteryzują się specyficznym sposobem otwierania – dzięki zastosowanym okuciom możliwe jest uchylenie skrzydła na zewnątrz, a następnie jego obrót. Ułatwia to dostęp do zewnętrznej powierzchni okna, np. w celu jego umycia.
In our windows we install glass-panel modules produced by GLASSOLUTIONS Saint-Gobain Company, the world’s leader in glass-system production. We install one-chamber and two-chamber modules. It facilitates choosing the right type of glazing depending on the client’s expectations – with increased acoustic insulation, safety glass-panels or energy-saving glass-panels. Cooperation with GLASSOLUTIONS and keeping up with the latest technological breakthroughs in the area of glass-panel production allow us to satisfy even the most sophisticated and demanding clients.